Orlando, Las Vegas and LA
I was looking over my blog posts for 2012, and making bit of a plan and yes perhaps a news years resolution to post more regular, when I realised that the diary of an international nail artist part 2 and 3 have not been uploaded... so if you have yet to read part 1 heres the link; PART 1, and I hope you enjoy part 2 and 3.

have managed to cram so much in.
But before I even contemplate the next few days activities I have to endure Heathrow's terminal 4, an over booked flight and small children. Who said my job was glamorous?
15 hours later - It seems I brought the rain with me, after a brief 2hrs visit to Boston I finally arrive some 12 hours later in a rainy Orlando.

seeing old friends, meeting new ones and being able to put Facebook profile pictures to life. It is a small world and the nail industry is a tight niche community which all have one passion. I love it when I visit different countries but we are all speaking the same language. It seems it truly is a small world, as I hear a fellow English accent, and there is Denise Wright, who was in Orlando and would also be working in Vegas with NSI. now that is a small world and a welcome sight. The nail tech networking event is a fabulous 3hours of networking, people from all over the USA coming together before the show. We should have one in the UK.
Sunday - the alarm goes off at 6.00am, arrrghhhhh this is
going to be a long day. The premier show in Orlando is
massive, combining nails, hair and beauty it is very noisy and
busy. I am heading in early to help Carla Collier head judge
for nail pro judge the gel polish category, boxed nail art and
3D nails. Wow this show always seems to produce the best
entries and it is always a joy for me to see what nail techs in
the USA come up with. This trip is not just for my class, but I
have also been invited by Orly to join their education team.
During the show between judging commitments I was
delighted to be working on their stand and demonstrating the
amazing gel FX.
The one thing about these shows it is an opportunity to get together and this evening was no exception. However little did we know that is was about to take a sinister turn of events. Whilst waiting for the town car we had booked to collect us, we where misled and got into a different car. The driver said he was sent by the hotel, but it was only when we saw our driver turn the corner than we realized we had been abducted. Now my refined Englishness would have let it go, shrugged my shoulders and hoped for the best, this however was unacceptable to my fellow passengers......and suddenly the reality of the situation was
dawning on me.

Monday - I was enraptured this morning, the early start
and exploits of the night before forgotten, Fantasy
category is why I enjoy my job so much. With a
healthy batch of phenomenal entries including
competitors such as Catherine Wong, who’s work I get
lost in and the amazing Viv Simmons. Judging this
category both novice
and veterans is very hard, I feel the pressure as it was a close call, and the responsibility on our shoulders as judges to be fair and recognise individual talents is always at the for
front of my mind. I spent the rest of my day working with Orly and demonstrating their Gel FX.
After the awards we make a quick dash to a new hotel and then I was going to appear as a special guest on nail talk radio with Naja Rickettes and Millie Haynam. We discussed the new velvet manicure and the veering trends we are seeing emerge in fashion today with nail art and design. It was a fabulous interview made easy by Naja.
Tuesday - this was the first day of the be
inspired classes we had running. The Be
Creative Distributor in the USA is Carla Collier,
who also runs all the be inspired classes in the
USA, working together for the past 3 years.
Each class has a maximum of 12 people so it
allows me to deliver an intense training day.
Today; Day 1 we covered gel design, showing
the ladies some fabulous things they could
achieve with the be creative gel paints.
Traveling is always an assault on the body along with varying time zones, temperatures,
humidity and stress, so it was no wonder I was feeling very under the weather. Brewing since sunday it hit me full blast today, chest infection...arrrrghhhhhh. So after the class I booked in to the hotel spa and had a massage.....I promise it was for medicinal purposes
only (is this tax deductible?)
Wednesday & Thursday- This morning I felt much better, We worked with acrylic today and the ladies who attended created mini master pieces. But the day always ends too soon, and we all race off to the airport and catch a flight to Las Vegas.....this was going to be an 8 hour flight, goodness it would take me the same amount of time to fly home.
Arriving in Vegas at midnight couldn’t be more different, the temperature and dryness was a blessed relief from the humidity of Orlando, but as soon as I walked off the plane I was presented Tomorrow was the next be inspired
and veterans is very hard, I feel the pressure as it was a close call, and the responsibility on our shoulders as judges to be fair and recognise individual talents is always at the for
front of my mind. I spent the rest of my day working with Orly and demonstrating their Gel FX.
After the awards we make a quick dash to a new hotel and then I was going to appear as a special guest on nail talk radio with Naja Rickettes and Millie Haynam. We discussed the new velvet manicure and the veering trends we are seeing emerge in fashion today with nail art and design. It was a fabulous interview made easy by Naja.

Wednesday & Thursday- This morning I felt much better, We worked with acrylic today and the ladies who attended created mini master pieces. But the day always ends too soon, and we all race off to the airport and catch a flight to Las Vegas.....this was going to be an 8 hour flight, goodness it would take me the same amount of time to fly home.
Arriving in Vegas at midnight couldn’t be more different, the temperature and dryness was a blessed relief from the humidity of Orlando, but as soon as I walked off the plane I was presented Tomorrow was the next be inspired
class, with the first day being hosted by Pauline
Feaurer from Germany, having flown a few days earlier to show us all some beautiful water colour nail art.
Feaurer from Germany, having flown a few days earlier to show us all some beautiful water colour nail art.
Friday -the final class of the be inspired USA tour, we
had a a lot to fit in to just 8 hours. Working with both gel
and acrylic we created some beautiful salon viable designs, pushing the design boundaries. working on the Green man, butterflies and roses. Its the
IBS show and this meant another hotel move, so far
each hotel has increased in size
by 100% this is no exception, it was like a city, very large and at every turn you had an opportunity to gamble..mmmmm might need to try this out!
Saturday - today I was judging most of the day After work it would be rude not to visit the Strip and eat at the Bellagio.

Monday - night at the awards was tremendous, congratulations to all and everyone who entered and to those who won.
Quick dash to the airport once again and a flight
to LA. This would be the final leg of my journey,
where i was going to do some training with Orly.
Pulling up in my cab at the Luxe hotel on sunset
blvd made up for not going home, Wow I could
get used to this luxury, a celebrity hideaway i felt
quite spoilt. I was going to enjoy 12 hours of
uninterrupted sleep, and since training wasn’t
scheduled until 12, some serious catch up emails
and face book time was required.
Tuesday - I was delighted to receive an email from Catherine in May inviting me to join the education team for Orly. Orly is one of the polish companies I prefer to use, and with their launch of gel FX was excited to learn more and became their European educator. Today we had a tour of the facility, wow very impressive and learnt about Jeff Pink the founder of Orly and how he created the french manicure. The first thing he asked me was did I know AlexFox, it seems that she impressed him a lot some 10 years ago when she interviewed
Tuesday - I was delighted to receive an email from Catherine in May inviting me to join the education team for Orly. Orly is one of the polish companies I prefer to use, and with their launch of gel FX was excited to learn more and became their European educator. Today we had a tour of the facility, wow very impressive and learnt about Jeff Pink the founder of Orly and how he created the french manicure. The first thing he asked me was did I know AlexFox, it seems that she impressed him a lot some 10 years ago when she interviewed
second to non. Also meeting some like minded people,
Markus and Rachel where a delight to work with and I enjoyed their spirit and company
very much.
very much.
But the ends comes around so quickly, yet another hotel change, this time my last one
before my flight home and some teary good byes.
Saturday - flying home via detroit, I hate lay overs, although it does give me an opportunity to write this, I am very impatient to get home and see my family. Along with 682 emails waiting in my inbox and a full diary until friday....I won’t have time for jet lag.
Whats coming up in part 3...
Malaysia - taking Be Creative to Malaysia and working with Trinity, and the Tom Holcomb competition.
Sydney - I am very excited to be taking be inspired workshop to sydney, I will be there for 2 days before the show and during the show hold a small seminar. So watch this space and find out what really goes on, in this oh so glamorous job of mine.
Saturday - flying home via detroit, I hate lay overs, although it does give me an opportunity to write this, I am very impatient to get home and see my family. Along with 682 emails waiting in my inbox and a full diary until friday....I won’t have time for jet lag.
Whats coming up in part 3...
Malaysia - taking Be Creative to Malaysia and working with Trinity, and the Tom Holcomb competition.
Sydney - I am very excited to be taking be inspired workshop to sydney, I will be there for 2 days before the show and during the show hold a small seminar. So watch this space and find out what really goes on, in this oh so glamorous job of mine.
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