Friday 9 November 2007

Fire - Fantasy nails

With a three colour blend and a simple technique of creating the flame off the nail, you can create these red hot fingers to sizzle.

1. Blend a red, orange and yellow together onto ether a clear tip shaped into a point or on a sculpting form, I have used Raspberry cream, Candy Corn and Lemon Drop, from Ez Flows Rainbow collection, making sure the tip of the nail is red.

2. On a sculpting form, created about 60 individual flames. Apply the blend on the form in a triangular shape and using a scalpel, when the acrylic flame is just about to cure lift the edges, so that they are ragged and uneven. You can tell when it is ready when the shine turns more satin.

3. Place 5-6 flames to each nail using brush on resin, at the free edge extend them out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they are fab nail art